London, UK. 26th July, 2023. Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey makes a statement outside Southwark Crown Court after being aquitted following a month-long trial, where he was accused of sexually assaulting four men between 2001 and 2013. He pleaded not guilty to the nine charges. Credit: Eleventh Hour Photography/Alamy Live News


London, UK. 26th July, 2023. Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey makes a statement outside Southwark Crown Court after being aquitted following a month-long trial, where he was accused of sexually assaulting four men between 2001 and 2013. He pleaded not guilty to the nine charges. Credit: Eleventh Hour Photography/Alamy Live News
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Eleventh Hour Photography


London, UK. 26th July, 2023. Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey makes a statement outside Southwark Crown Court after being aquitted following a month-long trial, where he was accused of sexually assaulting four men between 2001 and 2013. He pleaded not guilty to the nine charges. Credit: Eleventh Hour Photography/Alamy Live News

License: Rights Managed (editorial)

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